Part of Everything You Make Is Yours to Keep abundance wealth Aug 29, 2021

The most important lesson of all the lessons of wealth is the easiest to understand and the hardest to do.  You MUST pay yourself first. You MUST KEEP a portion of what you make and start to develop your wealth.  You MUST live within your means.  If you cannot do this, it...

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The Myth of Work Life Balance abundance adventure business health mastery mission relationships wealth wisdom Aug 28, 2021

There were many years early on in adulthood where I felt like my life was out of balance. Despite the strongest efforts and best of intentions, I couldn’t ever get it so that each area of my life got equal amounts of attention. It seemed like an impossible task to give absolutely everything...

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Making Enormous Tasks Manageable business mission wisdom Aug 27, 2021

My goal with Living Every Minute is to teach people how to create spectacular in their life and business. Luckily, I have Tracy here to manage everything that I cannot. We want to bring the best teachings and the best stories from around the world to our tribe. In order to do that, we must...

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Business is a Hypothesis abundance relationships wisdom Aug 26, 2021

Once, I sat in a board meeting listening to my friend and mentor, Keith Cunningham. He talked about getting better optics (one of his favorite topics) and how that helps to make better decisions. 

I started thinking about the times when I have made some bone-headed decisions. Ones that I...

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The Art of Commitment abundance adventure business wisdom Aug 25, 2021

“Grow up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do.  It is much easier to skip it and go from one childhood to another.”

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Here’s a little secret:  The results we achieve in our business are a direct result of what we are committed to. Crazy, right?

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Are You Rowing in the Same Direction? business mastery mission wealth Aug 24, 2021

There is a difference between a job description and what a person should be spending their time doing.  A job description is a tool used for hiring and training, so we know who to look for and what skill sets they have or need to acquire to fill their position.  But the real question...

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Generosity vs Fairness abundance mindfulness wealth wisdom Aug 23, 2021

I recently read the book Principles by Ray Dalio, and one of the principles he discusses struck me as something we deal with almost every month in our lives. Here are the principle and my thoughts on it.

Ray Dalio’s Principle 2.2B: Make sure people understand the difference...

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3 Keys to Revenue Success business mastery wealth wisdom Aug 22, 2021

Tim Ferris wrote an interesting book called the Four-Hour Work Week.  The premise was, if you streamlined things enough, you could reduce your work week to four hours and still make the same – or more – money. While this is a great title for selling books, the reality is...

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Work and Play adventure business health mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Aug 21, 2021

Don’t mix work and pleasure.  That is what I have heard most of my life.  You have your work life and you have you “life” life.  


While I think the intention of this is well meant, the result is terrible.  


Name a...

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It Is What It Is health mindfulness mission wisdom Aug 20, 2021

“It is what it is.” That’s one of my favorite sayings. It’s my way of reminding myself I cannot change the inevitable. I’ve been reading a book entitled How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. One of the chapters in that book states the same...

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The Two Skills of Leadership business mastery mission wisdom Aug 19, 2021

What makes an entrepreneur do what he or she does? How do you dare to risk everything in order to create something? It can’t just be about the money. If that were it, there are easier ways. What gives you the courage to try against incredible odds? The answer: A little bit of crazy mixed...

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7 Ways You Can Spice Up Your Routine In 2021 mastery mindfulness planner wisdom Aug 18, 2021

Resolution season is upon us.  Every year millions of Americans ring in the New Year with an intention of making changes in how they eat, exercise, interact with others, learn new skills and more.  And while goal setting and personal improvement is a year-round celebration for...

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