The Seventh Pillar of Expertise abundance adventure dr. tim's 6 pillars health mastery planner relationships wealth Nov 03, 2021

There are Seven Pillars of Expertise which you MUST be good at to have a truly fulfilled life.

We discussed the Six Pillars in previous posts along with the importance of your Primary Question. Today I will introduce the Seventh Pillar. It is the hardest to explain but also adds the most juice in...

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Love: The Greatest Emotion? abundance business health mastery relationships wealth wisdom Oct 31, 2021

How do you love a homeless person? How do you love a child? How do you love a patient? How do you love a customer?


The answer to each of these is that we love them by serving them. We love them by taking care of them. We don’t wait to “feel” love for them—we take...

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Corporations โ€” Friend or Foe? abundance business mission wisdom Oct 17, 2021

I recently read a post on Facebook about how horrible corporations are and that they are stealing from society. That corporations are only about profits and that it’s not right that they should be taking so much from society. Those who commented also went on about the evil of companies. No...

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Rehumanizing the Service Industry abundance health mastery mindfulness mission relationships wisdom Oct 04, 2021

Stressful times can have a way of hanging like a cloud over our daily interactions.  And despite the best intentions, we are all susceptible to fixating on the cumulative adversity we face every day. 

Whether you’re worried about your health, safety, equal opportunity, the...

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Watch for Wolves in Sheepโ€™s Clothing abundance business finances financial financial freedom wealth wealth building Sep 27, 2021

There are many people, mentors, books, and courses you can learn from to become financially free. Today, we are going to talk about who you should not listen to, who you need to be careful of, and who to avoid. This is just as important as knowing who to listen to.

I know a lot of theoretical...

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How to Create Raving Fan Team Members abundance adventure business relationships wealth building wisdom Sep 23, 2021

To create raving fan customers, create raving fan team members.

I received this email yesterday from one of our customers:


Dr. Reynolds,

            Your staff is wonderful.  I hurt my knee and went to see your people last...

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How To Fail Successfully abundance business financial mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Sep 21, 2021

Embrace Failure!

We often spend our lives trying to avoid failure.  On the surface that makes sense, failure hurts.  It can be the source of much pain and frustration.  On the other hand, it is also the source of all learning and progress.  Think about anything you are good...

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The Key to Abundance abundance mastery wealth building Sep 20, 2021

The world can be a crazy place.  

Many times, we are taught something our whole lives that just is not true. 

For example, most of us were raised with the unfortunate belief that the blessings of the world, things like money, talent, love, and joy are limited resources. 


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Someday Is Not a Day of the Week abundance mastery mindfulness mission relationships wisdom Sep 17, 2021

We all have something we want to achieve in life.  You would not be reading this if that were untrue.  We see proof of this daily here at Living Every Minute, as we cross paths with so many amazing people, all with different dreams and intentions. 

Fascinatingly, regardless of...

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Civility & Forgiveness abundance mastery mindfulness mission relationships Sep 16, 2021

In the Lord’s Prayer, the fourth stanza says, “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.”  

 Three verses later the Lord says,

“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But...

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Cultivating an Intrapreneur Culture abundance business financial relationships wealth wisdom Sep 15, 2021

Which people are most valuable to your workplace? Of course, every person on your team is important. But all successful organizations have at least one person who everyone knows as a difference maker.

When things go wrong, this is the person you turn to for advice, insight, and solutions. ...

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You Cannot Be Happy Without This! abundance mastery mindfulness mission relationships wisdom Aug 31, 2021

There are lots of definitions of happiness.  Many of them are based on the idea that I need to do something for me in order to be happy, whether that be through self-improvement, financial security, planning the perfect day, or finding the perfect job. While there are certainly things we can...

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