Letโ€™s Connect โ€“ The Purpose of Social Media health mastery mission relationships wisdom Oct 16, 2021

So, we’re sitting on the beach here in Playa and this girl walks up to me and says, “You’re Tim!” 

Clearly, this caught me off guard. We’re in Mexico and someone out here recognized me? I was a little cautious at first, not sure how she knew who I was. So, I...

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Dealing With Information in the age of Covid-19 health mindfulness wisdom Oct 15, 2021

COVID has created a lot of confusion for people.  Confusion for patients, confusion for the media, and confusion for people knowing what to do or not do. 

Depending on who you listen to, COVID-19 is either the worst plague that has ever hit humanity or it is just a mild virus and...

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Food = Zone and Exercise = Tone health mastery mission Oct 14, 2021

Have you ever got on the scale and thought damn I need to get back to the gym? Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered what you need to do to change your diet? I’ve been thinking about this. When do you know which lever to pull? Is this a diet problem or an exercise problem? Which...

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Understanding Your Primary Question mastery mindfulness mission Oct 13, 2021

The dichotomy of being happy today and yet wanting to do better is something that has fascinated me for years. You read articles or hear teachers say the key to happiness is not getting what you want, but wanting what you have. This is called being content. You are content when you are satisfied...

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Top 10 Strategies to Become More Assertive at Work business mastery mission wisdom Oct 12, 2021

A 2019 study by Top Interview found that 70% of employers prioritize assertiveness as the top quality they look for in prospective employees.  In turn, 94% of employees say they feel more effective when they are confident in communicating at work.  But with only 49% of...

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The Difference Between Efficiency & Effectiveness business mastery mindfulness wisdom Oct 11, 2021

Susie was called into her supervisors office.  She knew what the conversation would be and dreaded going in there, but also wanted to get it over with.  Her supervisor said, “Susie, your productivity is not where it needs to be.” 

Susie had seen her...

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Emotions & Logic mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Oct 10, 2021

Everyone dreaded Morbidity & Mortality Conference when I was a medical student and resident.  Usually it consisted of someone presenting a case in which, they the doctors, or the system screwed up.

It was a LONG hour for the person presenting as they were taken to task over their...

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Balance Sheets: A look at Assets and Depreciation business finances financial financial freedom wealth wealth building Oct 09, 2021

One of the most difficult things to learn about running a business is how to understand financial statements.  Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements, and Cash Flow Statements are terms you may have heard, but do you really understand what the statements teach you and how you can manage...

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Donโ€™t Let Injuries Stop Your Health health mastery Oct 08, 2021

Once when my kids were younger,  I dislocated my shoulder playing hide and seek. Now before you start laughing (I know – too late) let me explain…

We were playing a serious game of hide-and-seek-in-the-dark. I was trying to pull myself up to a shelf where I could lay down and...

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Discovering THE Thing business finances financial financial freedom mastery mission wealth wealth building Oct 07, 2021

In the book Good to Great by Jim Collins, he talks about the concept of the “flywheel.” In that chapter, he speaks about how great companies start by pushing a heavy flywheel. Companies start by struggling to push this flywheel, or the core idea of their business. Then, as...

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Solvers Versus Agitators business mastery mindfulness relationships Oct 06, 2021

I had a very painful conversation with a member of my team today.  There was an issue, requiring my intervention, that was obviously a miscommunication.  I have dealt with hundreds of these over the last 25 years while leading team members across many of my businesses. 

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Be Responsible. Be Proactive. adventure business mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Oct 05, 2021

Being proactive is not just thinking positively. It’s not something we can preach and just not follow through. In my urgent care business, our motto is: You’re either all in, or you’re in the way.

That means we want every single person to own what they do and to be the best at...

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