Setting Your Business Goals and Making Them Work
Oct 18, 2021
With the year almost over, you need to make sure you have a plan for next year’s business goals. A good place to start is by evaluating this year’s goals. Use them to set a plan in place to help you reach the milestones you set for next year.
The trick to truly being able to look back at the end of the year and say you accomplished what you set out to accomplish in your business is to take your business goals and turn them into daily Business Value Task Lists. If you can find a way to do that, then you can accomplish all your goals.
Some of the task lists will have to be created by department. In addition to setting goals as a business owner, you should have each department head at your business set goals. Then, everyone should meet as a group to discuss the goals and start creating an action plan for achieving them. The first step to accomplishing this is to go into hibernation mode, where you take time to reflect, review, and set goals without the normal daily business interruptions around to stop you from thinking.
If you have been setting goals for a while, take out last year’s business goals and review them. Take time to evaluate what lessons you learned over the previous year. If this is your first time to attempt business goal setting, congratulations! You are taking a very important step in changing your business. Remember, if you don’t have a plan for where your business is going, your business will never get there.
STEP ONE: Set Yearly Goals
The first step in creating your Business Values Task Lists is to set goals. These goals should focus on the major areas of your business’s success. All goals must be specific, action-oriented, measurable, realistic, and time-specific. If they don’t meet these five criteria, they are not really goals. Here are a few examples from my medical practice that show good and bad ways to write goals:
1) Financial Goals:
Clearly Defined Goals: Decrease expenses by 12.5% overall by December 31. Increase profits by 2% per month, for a total of 24% by December 31.
Not Clearly Defined Goals: Analyze company growth numbers weekly. Create a report that will analyze cash flow and profit margins.
2) Marketing Goals:
Clearly Defined Goals: Set-up in-house cable advertising by the end of January, with 10 rotating ads changing out monthly. Keep visitors on our website an average of two more pages per visit by putting the next buttons on each page.
Not Clearly Defined Goals: Improve patient satisfaction scores. Increase the number of referral patients from friends and family members.
3) Occupational Medicine Goals:
Clearly Defined Goals: Increase workers’ compensation numbers by five companies every month. Average of 10 DNA tests per month.
Not Clearly Defined Goals: Increase more companies utilizing our occupational medicine program. Have more people come in for DNA tests.
STEP TWO: Create a Top 10 List
After you have created a list of business goals, the goals should be numbered in order of priority to find the ten most important goals for the year. Remember, the top 10 goals must be reachable. A wish is something you hope for, but you don’t plan for. A goal is something that is time-specific, achievable, and you’re willing to work towards. Once you have your top 10 business goals, rewrite or review them daily to ensure you’re always thinking about your goals.
STEP THREE: Monthly Goal Setting
At the start of the year, decide what goals you want, or need, to accomplish first. Then, create a Monthly Master Task List for the month, broken down into the same categories listed in your Yearly Goal List. The list should outline the things you need to do to reach your goals for the month. At the end of each month, review the progress on your goals and decide what tasks need to be carried over to the next month. Each month you should update and reevaluate your monthly task list and coordinate it with your yearly business goals. This should also be done by departments at your business.
STEP FOUR: Weekly Goal Setting
At the end of each week, take at least 30 minutes to review your monthly goals and plan out how you can achieve them the next week. You should plan two to three things you can accomplish for each goal during the next week. Once you have set your goals, create a to-do list below them. The to-do list is your action plan for accomplishing your weekly business goals.
STEP FIVE: Daily Goal Setting
Every night, review your weekly business goals and set-up a daily to-do list for the following day. This daily to-do list should be realistic. Decide how many things you can truly handle in one day. Depending on their complexity, the average person can usually accomplish 10 to 15 things. Highlight or note the most important things to accomplish on your daily task the list. Another option is to prioritize the list and then rewrite it in the order you are going to accomplish it.
You might be thinking to yourself, “I already make a daily to-do list, why should I go through all of these steps?”
The answer is simple: If you just get up in the morning and make a daily to-do list, that list is not related back to what is really important to your business. You must make time to accomplish your business goals, or you will never do them. This goal-setting system allows you to intentionally do something about your business goals. By the end of the year, you will have 365 daily task lists that divert directly back to your business goals.
STEP SIX: Establish Accountability
If you require your departments to follow this system, you must hold them accountable for achieving their goals. One way to do this is through two weekly reports. At the beginning of each week, your supervisors should send you their weekly priority task lists. At the end of each week, they should send you their weekly productivity report. The reports should be compared to make sure all departments are working towards achieving your yearly business goals. The analysis of the two reports will also help you identify if your employees are utilizing their time efficiently. It will help red flag the little day-to-day problems that often over-consume the time of supervisors, allowing you to restructure a plan to achieve business goals before your supervisors fall behind on the goals you have set.
Living Every Minute,
Dr. Tim
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